A stitch in the blanket towards the Gitxsan Nation’s economic independence.

A group pf environmental monitors on the end of a river bank wearing full PPE learning how to do monitor water quality

Gitxsan Environmental Services

GES is an indigenous owned and operated environmental service company that specializes in natural resource management and environmental stewardship.

Gitxsan Safety Services

GSS offers safety solutions in the areas of Safety Monitoring, Traffic Management, Medical services, Security and Shuttle/Hotshot services.

We must educate our youth to enable us as Gitxsan to be part of the world economy, and through our traditional teachings of our values and strong Gitxsan Nation rooted in our lax yip; lax yip that will always be sustainable”

— Wii Eelast | Jim Angus

Three Gitxsan long houses line a path, each building has indigenous artwork painted in red and black on the wood. In front of the building in the foreground there is a carved wooden totem pole.